The barefoot ragpickers of Seemapuri live on the periphery of Delhi yet, metaphorically speaking, miles away from it. Comment. [CBSE (AI) 2009C, CBSE (F) 2013]

The barefoot ragpickers of Seemapuri live on the periphery of Delhi yet, metaphorically speaking, miles away from it. Comment. [CBSE (AI) 2009C, CBSE (F) 2013]

Answer: The barefoot ragpickers of Seemapuri live on the periphery of Delhi yet, metaphorically speaking, miles away from it, sums up the true condition of the ragpickers of Seemapuri. Seemapuri is a slum area, which houses approximately 10,000 ragpickers. They live in mud houses with roofs of tin and tarpaulin. There is no sewage, drainage or running water. They came here from Bangladesh in 1971 and have been living here ever since without any identity of their own or permits, but they have ration cards and their names figure in the voter’s list. Women wear tattered saris. Survival in Seemapuri means rag picking. This is an example of the gross negligence and apathy of the Delhi Government. It has failed to do anything for them. Though Seemapuri is so close to Delhi, almost on its periphery, the glitter and glamour, advantages like education, proper facilities for living a clean and decent life are beyond the reach of these slum dwellers of Seemapuri, which is so close to Delhi yet so far.

The barefoot ragpickers of Seemapuri live on the periphery of Delhi yet, metaphorically speaking, miles away from it. Comment. [CBSE (AI) 2009C, CBSE (F) 2013]

More Question-

  1. How did Franz perform when his turn came to recite? How did M. Hamel react?
  2. Who occupied the backbenches in the classroom on the day of the last lesson? Why? [CBSE Delhi 2015]
  3. Why had M. Hamel put on his fine Sunday clothes? Why were the old men of the village sitting there in the back of the classroom?
  4. What was unusual about M. Hamel’s dress and behaviour on the day of his last French lesson? [CBSE Delhi 2010C]
  5. What was tempting Franz to keep away from school ‘that morning’? [CBSE Delhi 2010C]
  6. Why had the bulletin board become a centre of attention during the last two years? [CBSE Delhi 2010]
  7. How did M. Hamel say farewell to his students and the people of the town? [CBSE (AI) 2012]
  8. How did Franz react to the declaration that it was their last French lesson? [CBSE Delhi 2013]
  9. “This is your last French lesson.” How did Franz react to this declaration of M. Hamel? [CBSE Delhi 2010]
  10. Who did M. Hamel blame for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz? [CBSE Delhi 2011]
  11. “What a thunderclap these words were to me!” Which were the words that shocked and surprised little Franz? [CBSE Delhi 2010; (AI) 2011]
  12. One order from Berlin changed the scenario of the school. Comment
  13. What did M. Hamel tell them about the French language? What did he ask them to do and why? [CBSE Delhi 2011, 2013C]
  14. How does M. Hamel pay a tribute to the French language? [CBSE (AI) 2008]
  15. How was M. Hamel’s class different the day Franz went late to school?
  16. How was the scene in the school, on the morning of the last lesson, different from that on other days? [CBSE Delhi 2008] [CBSE (AI) 2015]
  17. Which objects of nature does Keats mention as sources of joy in his poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty? [CBSE (AI) 2015]
  18. What does a thing of beauty do for us? [CBSE Delhi 2015]
  19. What does Keats consider an endless fountain of immortal drink and why does he call its drink immortal? [CBSE (AI) 2013]
  20. According to Keats, what moves the pain and suffering away from human life? [CBSE Sample Paper 2016]
  21. Describe any three things of beauty mentioned in the poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty'. [CBSE (AI) 2012, CBSE (AI) 2013]
  22. How is a thing of beauty a joy forever? [CBSE Delhi 2012]
  23. What is the message of the poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty? [CBSE (AI) 2011]
  24. What spreads the pall of despondence over our dark spirits? How is it removed? [CBSE (F) 2010]

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