Triangle Math's Puzzles 12, 5, 2,6,1,10,3,7 and Sum of one Side is 36

Place the numbers 1–12 in the twelve circles below so the sum of each side of the triangle is 36. I will give you a head start by placing some of the numbers for you. (The numbers may be used once only.)


Train Math's Puzzles 12, 5, 2,6,1,10,3,7 and Sum of All Side is 36

निचे दिए गए खली जगह में 1 -१२ तक नंबर भर
ना है , और हर Side का Sum 36 आना चाहिए, और हर एक number एक ही बार Use होना चाहिए 

Correct Answer:

Place the numbers 1–12 in the twelve circles below so the sum of each side of the triangle is 36

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