Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course With rocks and stones and trees. (a) What does ‘rolled round’ mean? (b) Who has rolled round? (c) What is ‘diurnal course’? (d) What is the significance of rocks, stones and trees?

Question: Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course With rocks and stones and trees.

(a) What does ‘rolled round’ mean?

(b) Who has rolled round?

(c) What is ‘diurnal course’?

(d) What is the significance of rocks, stones and trees?

Ans: (a) ‘Rolled round’ means that she has rolled down to blend with the earth.

(b) The poet’s beloved has rolled round.

(c) ‘Diurnal course’ refers to the rotation of the earth.

(d) “The rocks, stones and trees imply that though inanimate, they have life and his beloved continues her journey with nature, along with them.

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