What is Gerrard’s profession? Quote the parts of the play that support your answer

Question: What is Gerrard’s profession? Quote the parts of the play that support your answer.

Ans: Gerrard seems to be a person who was involved in the business of theatre and art. It is mentioned that he was a playwright. When he saw the intruder first, he reacts by saying, “this is all very melodramatic, not very original. Later, when he enters into a conversation with the threatening intruder, he says, “at last a sympathetic audience! He also asks the intruder, “are you American, or is that merely a clever imitation, when he warns him by saying, “better be careful, wise guy! Further, when the intruder goes about elaborating his plan for impersonation, Gerrard says, “In most melodramas, the villain is foolish enough to delay his killing long enough to be frustrated. Yet again, while he was making up a story about his own identity, Gerrard tells him about his attire, “that’s a disguise outfit; false moustaches and what not. And finally, after trapping the intruder in his wardrobe, he picks up the phone and says, “sorry I can’t let you have the props in time for rehearsal, I’ve had a spot of bother – quite amusing. I think I’ll put it in my next play.

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