Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidhyapeeth BCOM 1st Year 1st Semester Complete Syllabus With Detailed and Recommended Books for Readings.

BCOM (Hons) Semester 1 Subjects and Syllabus
Course Code | Name of Paper | Semester Examination | Internal Examination | Max. Marks |
BCH 101 | Business Organisation | 70 | 30 | 100 |
BCH 102 | Business Economics | 70 | 30 | 100 |
BCH 103 | Financial Accounting | 70 | 30 | 100 |
BCH 104 | Business Statistics | 70 | 30 | 100 |
BCH 105 | Business Regulatory Framework | 70 | 30 | 100 |
BCH 106 | Introduction to Computer Applications | 70 | 300 | 100 |
Total Marks | 420 | 180 | 600 |
BCH 101 - Business Organisation
Unit 1
Meaning and Definition of Business Essentials & Scope of Business. Classification of Business Activities. Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Objectives of Business Organisation, Evolution of Business Organisation. Modern Business, Business & Profession
Unit 2
Promotion of Business: Considerations in Establishing New Business. Qualities of a Successful Businessman. Forms of Business Organisation: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Stock Companies & Co-operatives and their relative merits and demerits
Unit 3
Plant Location, Layout and Size: Factors Affecting Plant Location. Weber's and Sargent Florence's Theories of Location. Plant Layout - Concept, Types and Principles of Layout. Factors Affecting Layout. Size of Business Unit - Criteria for Measuring the Size and Factors Affecting the Size. Optimum Size.
Unit 4
Sources of Business Finance: Sources of Long Term, Medium Term and Short Term Business Finance. Stock Exchanges- Meaning, Functions of Stock Exchanges. Business Combination: Concept, Causes and Effects of Business Combination. Types and Forms of Business Combinations.
Suggested Reading (Books)
- Gupta, C.B., “Business Organisation”, Mayur Publiction, (2014).
- Singh, B.P., Chhabra, T.N., “An Introduction to Business Organisation & Management”, Kitab Mahal, (2014).
- Sherlekar, S.A. & Sherlekar, V.S, “Modern Business Organization & ManagementSystems Approach Mumbai”, Himalaya Publishing House, (2000).
- Bhusan Y. K.,“Business Organization”, Sultan Chand & Sons.
- Prakash, Jagdish, “Business Organistaton and Management”, Kitab Mahal Publishers
BCH 102 Business Economics
Unit 1
Introduction: Nature, Scope, Significance and Role of Business Economics. Relationship of Business Economics with other Branches of Knowledge.
Utility: Meaning & Kinds, Total Utility Vs Marginal Utility, Diminishing Marginal Utility.
Demand: Law of Demand, Types of Demand, Elasticity of Demand-Concept, Importance, Price, Income & Cross Elasticity.
Unit 2
Cost- Concept, Types & Determinants.
Indifference Curve- Meaning, Properties.
Production Function: Laws of Variable Proportion, Return to Scale, Internal and External Economies & Diseconomies.
Unit 3
Market Structure: Pricing Decisions under Different Market ConditionsPerfect and Imperfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Price Discrimination and Product Differentiation
Unit 4
Factor Pricing: Wage- Meaning, Standard of Living Theory, Modern theory of Wage. Rent Concept: Recardian and Modern Theories of Rent; Quasi-Rent. Interests- Concept and Classical Theory of Interest, Profit- Concept and Innovation Theory, Risk Theory.
Suggested Reading (Books)
- Geetika, “Managerial Economics”, McGraw-Hill Education 2nd Ed
- Thomas & Maurice, “Managerial Economics: Concepts and Applications” (SIE), , McGraw Hill Education, 9th Ed
- Ahuja, H.L, “Managerial Economics”, S.Chand, 8th Ed
- Dwivedi, D.N., “Managerial Economics”, Vikas Publication, 7th Ed
- Mithani, D.M., “Managerial Economics- Theory and Applications”, Himalaya Publications
- Gupta, G., “Managerial Economics”, McGraw-Hill Education (India)Pvt Limited
- Seth, M.L., “Principles of Economics”, Lakshmi Narain Agrawal Educational Publishers, Agra
- Vaish & Sunderm, “Principles of Economics”, Ratan Prakashan Mandir
- Jhingan, M.L., “Managerial Economics -1E”, Vrinda Pub
- Jhingan,M.L., Vyashthi Arthashastra, Vrinda Pub
- Mishra, J.P., Vyashthi Arthashastra
- Kanodia, S.K., Vyavsayik Arthashastra
BCH 103 Financial Accounting
Unit 1
Nature and scope of Accounting, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: Concepts and Conventions, Indian and International Accounting Standards. Accounting Mechanics: Double Entry System, Preparation of Journal, Ledger and Trial Balance, Concept of Income and its Measurement. Preparation of Final Statement.
Unit 2
Royalty Accounts - Accounting Records for Royalty in the books of Landlords and Lessee, Recoupment of Shortworking, Sub - lease, Short working Reserve Account, Nazarana.
Hire Purchase Account - Accounting Records in the Books of Hire Purchaser and Vendor, Different Methods of Calculation of Interest and Cash Price, Maintenance of Suspense Account, Payment of Premium, Default in Payment and Partial Returns of Goods.
Instalment Payment System - Difference between Hire Purchase and Instalment Payment System. Accounting Records in the book of Purchaser &Vendor, Interest suspense account.
Unit 3
Departmental Accounts - Meaning, Objects and Importance, Advantage, Methods of Departmental Accounts, Allocation of Indirect Expenses.
Branch Accounts - Meaning and Objectives of Branch Account, Importance and Advantages, Classification of Branches, Accounting of Branch Accounts under various Methods
Unit 4
Insolvency Accounts- Meaning, Circumstances of Insolvency, Procedure of Declaring Insolvency, Preperation of Statement of Affairs and Deficiency Account.
Voyage Accounts - Meaning & Preparation of Voyage Accounts.
Empties Accounts - Meaning, Uses, Importance, Classification or Types of Empties or Containers, Methods of Accounting for Returnable and Non- Returnable.
Suggested Readings (Books)
- Jain & Naranag, “Advanced Accounts”, Jain Book Agency, 18th Edition, Reprint (2014)
- Jaisawal, K.S., Financial Accounting, (Both in Hindi & English Version), Vaibhav Laxmi Prakashan. (2010)
- Gupta, R. L. & Radhaswamy, M., Financial Accounting: Sultan Chand and sons.
- Shukla, M.C., Grewal T.S. & Gupta, S.C., Advanced Accounts: S. Chand &Co.
- Maheshwari S.N. & Maheshwari S. K, “A text book of Accounting for Management”, Vikas Publication, 10th Edition (2013)
- Shukla, S..M., Financial Accounting, Edition: 51st, Sahitya Bhawan Publications, 2017
- Gupta. R.L and Shukla, M.C., “Principles of Accountancy”, S. Chand& Company Ltd., (2011)
- Arulanandam, M.A. & Raman, K.S., “Advanced Accounting”, Vikas Publishers, (2010).
- Shukla, M.C., “Advanced Accounting”, Sultan Chand & Sons, (2010)
BCH 104 Business Statistics
Unit 1
Introduction to Statistics: Meaning, Scope, Importance and Limitation, Managerial Application, Statistical Investigation- Planning and organization, Statistical units, Methods of Investigation, Census and Sampling. Collection of Data- Primary and Secondary Data, Editing of Data- Classification of data, Frequency Distribution and Statistical Series, Tabulation of Data- Diagrammatical and Graphical Presentation of Data. Analysis of Data, Interpretation of Data.
Unit 2
Measures of Central Tendency - Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric and Harmonic Mean; Dispersion - Range, Quartile, Percentile, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation and its Co- efficient, Co-efficient of Variation and Variance, Test of Skewness and Dispersion, its Importance, Co-efficient of Skewness
Unit 3
Correlation: Meaning, application, types and degree of correlation, Methods- Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation, Spearman's Rank Coefficient of Correlation. Regression Analysis- Meaning, Importance, Simple Regression Equation. Standard error of estimates. Index Number - Meaning, Types and Uses, Methods of constructing Price Index Number, Fixed - Base Method, Chain-Base Method, Base conversion, Base shifting deflating and splicing. Consumer Price Index Number, Fisher's Ideal Index Number, Reversibility Test- Time and Factor.
Unit 4
Interpolation and Extrapolation: Meaning, Importance Methods- Binomial, Newton's, Lagrange's. Analysis of Time Series: Meaning, Importance and Components of a Time Series. Decomposition of Time Series: Moving Average Method and Method of Least square. Business Forecasting.
Suggested Readings (Books)
- Freund, J. E., &. Perles, B.M., “Modern Elementary Statistics”, Prentice hall (2006)
- Gupta, K.L., “Business Statistics”, Navyug Publication
- Jaisawal K.S., Business Statistics (Both in Hindi & English (Vaibhav Laxmi Prakashn) 2010,Varanasi
- Shukla, S.M. & Sahai, S.P., “Business Statistics”, Sahitya Bhavan Publication
- Gupta, S.P. & Gupta, M.P. , “Business Statistics”, Sultan Chand & Sons, (2007)
- Gupta, C.B., “Introduction of Stastical Methods”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd
- Gupta, B.N., Sankhyiki
- Lal, Muking, Sankhyki Ke Prarambhik Siddhant
- Puri, V.K., Elements of Business Statistics
- Sinha, B.C., Sankhyiki Ke Tattva
BCH 105 Business Regulatory Framework
Unit 1
Introduction to Indian Contract Act, 1872: Concept and Essentials of a Valid Contract, Agreement Vs. Contract, Classification of Contract, Offer and Acceptance.
Unit 2
Capacity of Parties to Contract, Free Consent, Consideration, Legality of Object and Consideration. Void Agreements, Quasi Contracts, Contingent Contract, Performance of Contract, Discharge of Contract, Breach of Contract.
Unit 3
Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee. Contracts of Bailment and Pledge.
Unit 4
Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Definitions, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Conditions and Warranties, Transfer of Title, Unpaid Seller. Negotiable Instrument Act: Cheque, Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange, Crossing of Cheque, Dishonour of Cheque, Payment in due Course.
Suggested Reading (Books)
- Gulshan S.S. and Kapoor G.K., “Business Law including Company Law”, New Age International Publishers, (2014)
- Singh, B.K. &Tiwari, A., “Business Regulatory Framework”, SBPD Publishing, (2015).
- Avatar Singh - The Principles of Mercantile Law, Eastern Book Co. Lucknow (2014)
- Kuchal, M.C., “Business Law”, Vikas Publishing House (2012)
- Maheshwari, S.N. and S.K. Maheshwari; A Manual of Business Law, 2nd Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, 2004
- Kapoor, N.D., “Elements of mercantile law including company law and industrial law”, Sultan Chand and Sons (2008)
- Gulshan S and Kapoor, “Business Law”, New Age International (P) Ltd (2006)
- Gupta, O.P, “Business Regulatory Framework”, SBPD Publishing House
- Shama R.C. & Vishnoi R.K., Business Regulatory Framework (Hindi & English) Version
BCH 106 Introduction to Computer Applications
Unit 1
Computer: An Introduction- Computer in Business, Elements of Computer System Set-up. Indian Computing Environment, Components of a Computer System, Generations of Computer and Computer Languages. Classification of Computer, Computer Number Systrem. Software PC- Software Packages-An introduction, Disk Operating system and windows
Unit 2
Word Processing: Meaning and Role of Word Processing in Creating of Document, Editing, Formatting and Printing Document using Tools such as Spelling Checks in Word Processors, (MS Word). Data Communication Networking- LAN, MAN & WANS. Management of Data, Processing Systems in Business Organizations.
Unit 3
Introduction to Spreadsheet Software: Creation of spreadsheet Applications. Range, Formulas, Function, Data Base Functions in spreadsheet: Charts on spreadsheet, Data Analysis.
Unit 4
Computer Based Business Applications: Internet, Concept and Potential, Business Presentation using MS Power Point. Relevance of Data Base Management Systems and Interpretations of Applications, DBMS system & its application, E- Commerce Applications & ERP Concept.
Suggested Readings (Books)
- Gill, N. S, “Handbook of Computer Fundamentals”, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
- Shrivastava” Fundamental of Computer& Information Systems” (Wiley Dreamtech)
- Leon A and Leon M ., “ Introduction to Computers” ( Vikas, 1st Edition)
- R.S. Salaria, “Computer Fundamentals”, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
- Norton P., “Introduction to Computers”, (TATA McGraw Hill)
- Leon “Fundamentals of Information Technology”, (Vikas)
- Ravichandran, A., “Computers Today”, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
- Sinha, P.K., “Computer Fundamental”, BPB Publications
- Laudon & Laudon, “Management Information System”